Medelhavsmuseet, Fredsgatan 2, Stockholm
Climate change is increasingly viewed as the world’s greatest global security risk. Despite its unique position to address climate security challenges and mobilize response across the UN system, the UN Security Council has not consistently or systematically addressed climate-related security risks. Among others, this seminar will explore questions such as ‘Why should climate change be a standard Security Council issue?’ and ‘What are the current challenges to bringing climate change into the Security Council's agenda?’
The seminar is co-organized by Global Challenges Foundation and Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
Watch the event live below or on SIPRI’s YouTube channel.
Reception starts at 14.00 and the discussion will begin at 14.30
Johan Kuylenstierna, Executive Director of Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Dr Malin Mobjörk, Head of the SIPRI Project on Climate and Risk
Malini Mehra, Chief Executive of GLOBE International and Global Challenges Foundation Ambassador
Dan Smith, Director of SIPRI
RSVP to alexandra.manolache@sipri.org