SIPRI, Signalistgatan 9, Solna
Relations between Western allies and Russia have been deteriorating since early 2014. SIPRI’s Governing Board members discuss what is driving this process and what can be done to ameliorate it.
13.30 coffee will be served; discussion will start at 14.00.
Ambassador Sven-Olof Petersson is the Chairman of the SIPRI Governing Board and a Swedish diplomat. He has served at the Swedish embassies in Algiers, Beirut, Dar es Salaam, Strasbourg and Washington, DC. He also held the post of Swedish ambassador to the European Union and was Sweden's ambassador in Canberra, Australia, until early 2014.
Mary Kaldor is Professor of Global Governance and Director of the Civil Society and Human Security Research Unit at the London School of Economics. She was a founding member of European Nuclear Disarmament, the founder and Co-Chair of the Helsinki Citizens Assembly, and a founding member of the European Council on Foreign Relations.
Dr Vladimir Baranovsky is the Deputy Director of the premier Russian research institute, IMEMO, in Moscow, Chair of the Dissertation Council of the Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Vice President of the Association for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation, and a board member of the Russian Political Science Association.
Dan Smith is the Director of SIPRI. He has a long record of research and publication on a wide range of conflict and peace issues such as nationalism, identity politics, armed conflicts, ethics of intervention, gender aspects of conflict and peacebuilding.
Please confirm your participation by 16 May to Ms Cynthia Loo.