The Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities, Fredsgatan 2, 103 21 Stockholm
In collaboration with the Italian Embassy and the Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Stockholm, SIPRI will host a panel event on refugees and migration.
Today there are 60 million refugees worldwide and 10 million stateless persons. What can be done about the conflicts that keep generating more displacement? What is the impact in Europe of the insecurity and danger that drives people from their homelands? What are Europe's responsibilities?
Live stream
16 .30 coffee will be served; discussion will start at 17.00
HE Elena Basile, Ambassador of Italy to Sweden
- Ambassador Rolf Ekéus, Swedish diplomat, former Chairman of the SIPRI Governing Board and former High Commissioner on National Minorities at the OSCE
- Marcello Di Filippo, Associate Professor at the University of Pisa and a specialist on migration issues
- Silvia Colombo, Senior Fellow at the Mediterranean and Middle East Programme, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Rome
- Lina Grip, Researcher with SIPRI’s European Security Programme
Dan Smith, Director of SIPRI
Please confirm your participation by 19 May to Ms Cynthia Loo, SIPRI Senior Management Assistant
Tel: 08 655 97 51, email: cloo@sipri.org