SIPRI, Signalistgatan 9, Solna
Fifteen years have passed since the international community’s intervention in Afghanistan in 2001. Since the drawdown of international forces, Afghanistan has not been able to secure peace and stability. What are the principal domestic and regional factors that deter and enable achieving these objectives? How can the country move forward?
Programme: Coffee will be served at 9:15; discussion will begin at 9:30 and be followed by a Q&A with the audience at 10:40; 11:00–11:30 is reserved for networking.
HE Hekmat Karzai, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
HE Anders Sjöberg, Swedish Ambassador to Afghanistan
Pernille Dahler Kardel, Deputy Special Representative for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA)
Dr Barnett Rubin, Senior Fellow and Associate Director of the Center on International Cooperation’s (CIC) Afghanistan–Pakistan Regional Program, New York University
Richard Ghiasy, Researcher with the China and Asia Programme, SIPRI
Jakob Hallgren, Deputy Director, SIPRI
Please confirm your participation by 2 December to Ms Cynthia Loo, SIPRI Senior Management Assistant, Tel: 08-655 97 51, email: cloo@sipri.org.