The independent resource on global security

Developments in 2014

In January 2014 the UN arms embargo on non-governmental forces in the DRC was extended for one year.

In February 2014 EU member states agreed to suspend licences for export to Ukraine of equipment which might be used for internal repression and to reassess export licences for military equipment.

In February 2014 the EU arms embargo on Zimbabwe was extended for a one-year period.

In April 2014 the EU arms embargo on Guinea was lifted.

In April 2014 the UN arms embargo on Côte d'Ivoire was extended for a one year period.

In April 2014 the EU arms embargo on Myanmar was extended for a one-year period.

In July 2014 the EU discontinued their agreement on restricting arms exports to Ukraine.

In July 2014 the EU imposed an arms embargo on Russia.

In August 2014 the UN arms embargo on Libya was amended with a requirement that any supplies of arms and related materiel to Libya must be approved in advance by the Sanctions Committee on Libya.

In October 2014 the UN arms embargo on Somalia was extended until October 2015.

In October 2014 the EU arms embargo on Belarus was extended for a one-year period.


Last updated 2 December 2015