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WritePeace blog

The difficult journey to trust in conflict-affected societies

This blog explores processes from past reconciliation efforts that are relevant for rebuilding trust.

Navigating the Red Sea: Addressing threats and harnessing potential

This blog post gives an overview of current issues in the Red Sea region and possible ways to address them, building on the outcomes of a panel discussion at the 2024 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development.

Storytelling: A tool for change

How does destructive storytelling disrupt peaceful societies and relations? And what makes storytelling destructive? A roundtable at the 2024 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development explored the power of storytelling and what makes a story impactful and constructive for peace. This blog builds on those discussions to look at the other side of storytelling.

Signs of progress on peace-positive climate adaptation

A review of policy documents suggests major donors are rising to the challenges of conflict-sensitive and peace-positive climate adaptation in fragile and conflict-affected settings.

Climate change and urban violence: A critical knowledge gap

Cities will play a key role in humanity’s future.

Water for peace … for now?

This blog examines what it takes to consolidate gains made towards peace by water management projects and thus contribute to sustainable, long-term peace.

Export controls and cyber-surveillance tools: Five suggestions for the Summit for Democracy

Export controls remain the most effective and actively utilized policy response to the risks of proliferation and misuse of cyber-surveillance tools. At the third Summit for Democracy, states have an opportunity to build on work started at last year's summit to strengthen controls.

Small modular reactors may have climate benefits, but they can also be climate-vulnerable

A new generation of nuclear reactors holds the promise of low-carbon energy access for developing countries and remote areas. Designers and planners must take into account the risks and uncertainties of a climate-insecure future.

Is liberal peacebuilding a good fit for Ukraine?

The liberal peacebuilding model, centered on democratic governance, minimal state intervention, and support for individual freedoms, has been a dominant post-Cold War approach to peacebuilding. Exploring its application may offer valuable insights for Ukraine's stabilization and recovery post-war.

War in the breadbasket: Landmines and food security in Ukraine

Russia’s war in Ukraine has not only affected Ukraine's food exports but also its production, with extensive landmine contamination posing a long-term threat to agricultural land, potentially jeopardizing both domestic and international food security.