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Ruben Nicolin


Ruben Nicolin

Ruben Nicolin

Ruben Nicolin was an intern with SIPRI’s Dual Use and Arms Trade Control Programme, working in particular on data collection for the Arms Trade Treaty Assistance database. Besides his work at SIPRI, he is researching the role of the state in controlling small arms and light weapons in Serbia for his Master’s thesis.

Ruben first got interested in conventional arms control while interning with the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA). Subsequently, he conducted an applied research project with WILPF on case law on arms export decisions. He is a Master’s candidate in Development Studies at the Graduate Institute Geneva, specializing in Power, Conflict, and Development.

Subject expertise

Conventional Arms Control, SALW, State-building, Development

German, English, Norwegian

Master candidate in Development Studies, Graduate Institute Geneva; Bachelor in Governance, University of Freiburg