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Prathamesh Avinash Jagtap


Prathamesh Avinash Jagtap

Prathamesh Avinash Jagtap

Prathamesh Jagtap was an intern with SIPRI’s Environment of Peace initiative.

He is a Master’s candidate at University College London in International Public Policy. He has previously been Head of Events for UCL Diplomacy Society and Head Columnist for The Diplomatic Review Journal. Prathamesh has also completed a bachelor's and master's degree in Economics from India and has been a civil service aspirant in India. He has also led many youth delegations in India and South-East Asia. His Master’s thesis focused on UNSC structural reforms and representation of India in UNSC.

Subject expertise

Climate Change, Economics, Diplomacy, Foreign Policy

English, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish

Master candidate in International Public Policy, University College London; Master in Economics, University of Pune, India; Bachelor in Economics, University of Pune, India.