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Jade Guiberteau


Jade Guiberteau

Jade Guiberteau

Jade Guiberteau was an intern in the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme with a focus on military expenditures and arms production. She is assisting researchers with the data collection on arms industry, the archives and the ongoing projects.

Jade completed her first year of Master’s in Economics at the École Polytechnique and ENSAE. She learns economic tools that are useful for her work. After completing her bachelor, she became an intern at the Defense Economics Chair (IHEDN) where she’s a research assistant alongside her internship at SIPRI. Jade works on French Arms Exports with the Chair while deepening her knowledge on military expenditures and arms industry at SIPRI.

Subject expertise

French Arms Exports; Economics

French; English

Bachelor’s in Economics at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne; Master’s in Economics at École Polytechnique and ENSAE