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Ayako Tsujisaka


Ayako Tsujisaka

Ayako Tsujisaka

Ayako Tsujisaka was an intern in the SIPRI Governance and Society Programme. Her present work includes research on governance, inclusion and development, as well as the humanitarian/development nexus. She is currently pursuing an MSc in Peace and Conflict Studies at Uppsala University in Sweden as a Rotary Peace Fellow. She is interested in research related to peacebuilding in fragile states in Sub-saharan Africa.

Previously, she worked for over 10 years in the humanitarian and development sector. She was involved in the management of humanitarian and medical programmes, in Haiti, Japan, Central African Republic, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the Philippines. She also volunteered and worked with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in Benin and Senegal.

Subject expertise

Humanitarian aid; development; programme management

Regional expertise

Sub-saharan Africa

Japanese, English, French, Spanish

MSc in Humanitarian Programme Management, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK