The independent resource on global security

A Future Arms Control Agenda: Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 118, 1999

Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN 0-19-924505-3
371 pp.

The Nobel Symposium on A Future Arms Control Agenda was organized by SIPRI to consider how arms control can contribute to creating a cooperative security system based on the peaceful resolution of disputes and the gradual demilitarization of international relations. The proceedings of the symposium include comprehensive discussions of the new normative and structural elements of the post-cold war global security system and the objectives and limits of arms control within that evolving system. Special attention is given to the changing roles and responsibilities of the major powers in arms control efforts. The role of transparency, verification and safeguards measures in arms control arrangements is analysed by a number of contributors. The subregional aspects of arms control are examined, in particular the uses of arms control instruments in conflict resolution and post-conflict settlement efforts. Approaches to enforcing norms codified in arms control treaties are considered, as are the international community's responses to activities by treaty parties which are judged to be contrary to those norms.

The Stockholm Agenda for Arms Control, a summary of the Nobel Symposium, was published separately.



1. The future of arms control and international security

Adam Daniel Rotfeld


Part I. The security environment and arms control

2. Arms control: An endangered species in the new security environment?

Alyson J. K. Bailes

3. A security strategy for the 21st century

William J. Perry

4. Observations on arms control in a new security environment

Anders Bjurner

5. Objective and limits of arms control in the new security environment

Vladimir Baranovsky

6. Good guys, bad guys and arms control

Richard N. Perle


Part II. The role of major powers

7. Major powers and arms control: A Russian perspective

Yuri K. Nazarkin

8. Major powers and arms control: A US perspective

James E. Goodby

9. Major powers and arms control: A Chinese perspective

Li Changhe

10 . Major powers and arms control: A Japanese perspective

Hisashi Owada

11. Towards a cooperative arms control regime

Sergey Rogov


Part III. Arms control in transition: in search of a new organizing principle

12. The future arms control agenda: Escaping the prison of the past

Terence Taylor

13. Transition from balance of power to a cooperative system

David Ivry

14. Arms control in transition: Building a new security order

Carlo Jean

15. Structural and cultural challenges to arms control in intra-state and post-conflict environments

Keith Krause

16. Arms control as a conflict management tool

Nicole Ball

17. Arms control and peace settlements and the challenges of sub-state activities

Leonard T. Kapungu

18. Transparency and verification: A Swedish perspective

Staffan Sohlman

19. Arms export controls

Ian Anthony


Part IV. Compliance with arms control commitments

20. Arms control in a world of cheating: Transparency and non-compliance in the post-cold war era

Steven E. Miller

21. Compliance or non-compliance with arms control and disarmament

Rolf Ekéus

22. Transparency, verification and safeguards

Thérèse Delpech

23. Verification of compliance

Andrzej Karkoszka

24. Compliance and non-compliance with treaties: Inducements and coercion in the arms control process

István Gyarmati

25. Conventional arms control agreements: Issues of compliance

Zdzislaw Lachowski


Part V. The SIPRI Arms Control Survey

26. Conventional arms control in Europe

Zdzislaw Lachowski

27. Anti-personnel mines

Zdzislaw Lachowski

28. Nuclear arms control and non-proliferation

Shannon N. Kile

29. The elimination of chemical and biological weapons

Jean Pascal Zanders

30. Arms control and disarmament agreements

Ragnhild Ferm



Annexe A. Documents of the Nobel Symposium

Annexe B. The Stockholm Agenda for Arms Control


Dr Ian Anthony was the Director of SIPRI’s European Security Programme.
Dr Adam Daniel Rotfeld was Director of SIPRI from 1991-2002.