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Verification under the Chemical Weapons Convention: On-site Inspection in Chemical Industry Facilities

Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN 0-19-829160-4
114 pp.

This volume is the first comprehensive analysis of a number of on-site test inspections which have been conducted in the chemical industry. These inspections were conducted in order to design and test the verification mechanisms for the new International Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). Conclusions are drawn from these experiences about the manner in which such inspections could be conducted in future. Problems encountered in the inspection process are described and suggestions are made as to how the verification system of the CWC might be finalized so as to function most efficiently. Information is also presented on how such inspections will be conducted, what their limits will be, and how the concerns of the chemical industry can be addressed.


1. Introduction

2. Routine verification in the chemical industry

3. Challenge inspections in the chemical industry

4. The effectiveness of verification

5. Summary and conclusions

Annexe A. The task ahead

Annexe B. The establishment of the Preparatory Commission

Annexe C. Table of national trial inspections

About the author

Dr Ralf Trapp, a chemist and toxicologist, is the scientific adviser to the German Delegation to the Preparatory Commission of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in The Hague. He has held several appointments as scientific adviser to the German delegation to the ad hoc Committee on Chemical Weapons of the Conference on Disarmament since 1982, and was scientific adviser to the Chairman's delegation in 1992. From 1985 to 1987 he also worked as a researcher on SIPRI's CBW Project, and he has written or edited earlier volumes in this series.

About the series editor

Dr Thomas Stock, who assumed responsibility for the SIPRI CBW Project in November 1992, is the Series Editor. He is an analytical chemist by training with research experience in chemical toxicology. He has worked at SIPRI since 1988, is co-author of chapters in several SIPRI publications and Yearbooks as well as editor of an earlier volume in this series, and has published extensively on the subjects of verification of chemical disarmament and proliferation.

SIPRI Chemical & Biological Warfare Studies is a series of studies intended primarily for specialists in the field of CBW arms control and for people engaged in other areas of international relations or security affairs whose work could benefit from a deeper understanding of particular CBW matters.


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