The independent resource on global security

Noah Heinemann


Noah Heinemann

Noah Heinemann

Noah was an intern in the SIPRI Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme next to pursuing a M.Sc.-degree of War and Defence Studies at the Swedish Defence University in Stockholm. He holds a B.A. degree of Political Science and Economics from Heidelberg University in Germany where he was ostensibly analyzing the impact of NATO enlargement on the alliance’s military strategy.

Furthermore, Noah interned with the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation and the German Federal Ministry of Defence previously and is Programme Co-Director for “European Security and Defence Policy” at Polis180.

Subject expertise

Military Strategy, NATO, European Security and Defence Policy

Regional expertise


German, English

M.Sc. War and Defence Studies, Swedish Defence University, Sweden

B.A. Political Science (75%)/Economics (25%), Heidelberg University, Germany


External publications