SIPRI and the Stimson Center will host a virtual event presenting and analysing the latest trends in global arms transfers and military expenditure.
The event will focus on the SIPRI data on international arms transfers released on 15 March and the recently released data on world military expenditure. The discussions will examine the impact of events that occurred in the last year—including the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, renewed pressure to halt arms sales to irresponsible actors, and the election of the Biden administration in the United States—on arms transfer dynamics and military expenditures. Experts will discuss how political and economic conditions affect recent trend lines and explore potential implications for the future.
Dr Nan Tian, Senior Researcher, SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme
Pieter Wezeman, Senior Researcher, SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme
Lauren Woods, Security Assistance Monitor, Center for International Policy
Rachel Stohl, Vice President and Director of the Conventional Defense Program, Stimson Center
Watch the video recording of the event here.