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Professor Sten Hagberg

Associate Senior Fellow

Professor Sten Hagberg

Sten Hagberg

Professor Sten Hagberg is a SIPRI Associate Senior Fellow with the Mali Civil Society and Peacebuilding Project. Hagberg is Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Uppsala University and since 2012 he has served as the chairperson of Uppsala University’s Forum for Africa Studies. He has conducted anthropological research in Burkina Faso since 1988 and in Mali since 2008 covering themes including dispute settlement, local politics, environment, development, democracy and social movements. He was president of the Euro-African Association for the Anthropology of Social Change and Development during 20072013 and has been the President of the Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography since 2014.

Hagberg has published extensively in international journals including Africa, Cahiers d’études africaines, Africa Spectrum, Development and Change, Africa Today, Civilsations, Anthropologie & développement, and The Journal of Modern African Studies, as well as chapters in edited volumes. Hagberg has published two monographs and five edited volumes.

External publications
  • Hagberg, S., Kibora, L., Barry, S. et al, ’Nothing will be as before’: Anthropological perspectives on political practice and democratic culture in ‘a new Burkina Faso, Uppsala University (2018)
  • Hagberg, S. 2015. Africa Spectrum 50(3), 109-121.
  • Hagberg, S., L. Kibora, F. Ouattara & A. Konkobo 2015. Au coeur de la révolution burkinabè. Anthropologie & développement 42, 199-224.
  • Hagberg, S. & G. Körling 2014a. Inaccessible Fields: Doing Anthropology in the Malian Turmoil. Anthropologie & développement: Revue de l’APAD 40-41,143-159.
  • Hagberg, S. 2013. Politique des partis, développement local et lutte de pouvoir des femmes à Bobo-Dioulasso. In: La ville de Bobo-Dioulasso au Burkina Faso: urbanité et appartenances en Afrique de l'Ouest, (eds) K. Werthmann & M. L. Sanogo. Paris: Karthala.
  • Hagberg, S. & G. Körling 2012. Socio-political Turmoil in Mali: The Public Debate following the Coup d’État on 22 March 2012, Africa Spectrum 2-3/2012, 111-125.
  • Hagberg, S. 2011. Trajectoires de l’anthropologie du développement à la suédoise. Ethnologie Française, XLI (3), 509-519.
  • Hagberg, S. & J. Bjarnesen 2011. “Good guys” and “bad guys”: The Burkinabe public space on the Ivorian Crisis. In: Une anthropologie entre pouvoirs et histoire: Conversations autour de l’oeuvre de Jean-Pierre Chauveau (eds) E. Jul-Larsen, P.-J. Laurent, P.-Y. Le Meur & É. Léonard. Paris: Karthala.
  • Hagberg, S. & G. Körling (eds) 2014. ”Resurser och politik i Afrika”, YMER 2014. Svenska Sällskapet för Antropologi och etnologi.
  • Hagberg, S. & F. Ouattara (eds) 2012. “Engaging Anthropology for Development and Social Change”. APAD-Bulletin 34-36. Münster: LIT Verlag.
  • Hagberg, S (ed.) 2009. Inventing and Mobilising the Local. APAD-Bulletin 31-32. LIT Münster: Verlag.
  • Hagberg, S. & C. Widmark (eds) 2009. Ethnographic Practice and Public Aid: Methods and Meanings in Development Cooperation. Uppsala Studies in Cultural Anthropology 45. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis.