SIPRI, together with the US Department of State, recently hosted a two-day Internal Compliance Programme (ICP) roundtable workshop (17-18 May), focussing on sector and actor specific challenges and good practices regarding internal compliance with strategic trade controls.
There was broad sectoral representation from the fields of aerospace and defence, biotechnology, ICT, transport, in addition to representatives from academia and research institutions. The 24 participants were from 13 different European Union countries, and for each session, representatives of companies and institutions from a particular sector shared examples of export control compliance-related challenges and good practices. Representatives from participating government authorities also shared insights from their perspectives.
The workshop was held in the framework of the project, ‘Challenges and good practices in the implementation of the EU’s arms and dual-use export controls: A cross-sector analysis', whose scope is that to identify the specific impact of dual-use and arms trade regulations on different stakeholders, and develop suggestions for how tools and good practice documents could be appropriately tailored to reflect these specifics.
The workshop was carried out in cooperation with the US State Department’s Export Control and Related Border Security (EXBS) Program, which is funding this project. The outcome of the project will be five background notes outlining guidelines available for trade compliance in specific sectors.