New report on the participation of women in multilateral peace operations |
It is 18 years, to the day, since the United Nations Security Council adopted its landmark Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. One of the key provisions of this resolution is the increased participation of women in all efforts related to peace and security. To mark this day, SIPRI is pleased to announce the publication of a new policy paper, Trends in Women's Participation in UN, EU and OSCE Peace Operations. |
Read the publication
SIPRI launches film series on local perceptions of security in Mali |
SIPRI has produced a series of interview films spotlighting people’s perceptions of security in Mali. The wholistic perception of security that the interviews portray informs international actors seeking to better understand security dynamics and potential solutions in Mali. The series is introduced by Dr Grégory Chauzal, Director of the SIPRI Sahel and West Africa Programme, and can be viewed on SIPRI’s YouTube and Facebook channels. |
Read more | Watch the series on SIPRI's YouTube channel
SIPRI Yearbook editions 2001–16 now freely available to download |
To mark the release of the 50th edition of the Yearbook in 2019, SIPRI has embarked on an ambitious project to improve public access to its flagship publication. All editions of the SIPRI Yearbook between 2001 and 2016 are now freely available to download from the SIPRI website.
Read more | Explore the 2001–16 editions of the SIPRI Yearbook
SIPRI statement on the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize |
Read SIPRI’s statement congratulating Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad on being awarded the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize. |
Read more | Watch the Peace Points episode
SIPRI authors report on the EU common position on arms exports |
A new paper on the further development of the European Union (EU) common position on arms exports, prepared by SIPRI experts for the European Parliament Sub-committee on Security and Defence (SEDE), has been published online. |
Read more | Read the paper [PDF]
The crumbling architecture of arms control |
At a political rally on Saturday, 20 October, US President Donald J. Trump announced that the United States will withdraw from the 1987 Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles (INF Treaty). This confirms what has steadily been unfolding over the past couple of years: the architecture of Russian–US nuclear arms control is crumbling. |
Read the SIPRI essay
Towards climate resilient peacebuilding: Understanding the complexities |
In the latest SIPRI WritePeace blog, Karolina Eklöw and Dr Florian Krampe examine three recent cases—Colombia, East Timor and Iraq—and explain how recovery plans to sustain peace can no longer exclude the management of the environment and natural resources, and the strengthening of societies’ resilience to climate impacts. |
Read the SIPRI blog
How much does Russia spend on nuclear weapons? |
This topical backgrounder details Russia’s large-scale nuclear modernization programme, which started after the adoption of its state armament programme for 2011–20. It also outlines Russia’s nuclear institutions and how the expenditure is managed within Russia’s federal budget, and provides an estimate of Russian spending on nuclear weapons between the years 2010 and 2016. |
Read the SIPRI topical backgrounder
8 November 2018 |
The changing nature of support to peacebuilding |
This panel discussion will address the key findings of the recently published European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM) report, Supporting Peacebuilding in Times of Change: A Synthesis of Four Case Studies, and brings together expertise from ECDPM, SIPRI, the British Government’s Department for International Development and the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. This event is by invitation only, but will be livestreamed to SIPRI's Facebook and YouTube channels.
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18 October 2018 |
SIPRI Yearbook in Russian: SIPRI and IMEMO celebrate 25 years of translation |
SIPRI and the Primakov Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) co-hosted a conference at the IMEMO headquarters in Moscow to commemorate 25 years of Russian translation of the SIPRI Yearbook, and to present the latest translation. The key discussion topics at the conference included nuclear arms control and non-proliferation, European security and conventional arms control in Europe, and the impact of emerging technologies on arms control. Look out for forthcoming SIPRI interviews with Russian experts from the event. |
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17 October 2018 |
SIPRI at the OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation |
Ambassador Jan Eliasson, Chair of the SIPRI Governing Board, and Sigrún Rawet, SIPRI Deputy Director, attended the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Forum for Security
Co-operation in Vienna on 17 October. Eliasson gave a presentation during the forum on the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540 regarding the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction to and by non-state actors. |
Read more | Watch the interview with Ambassador Jan Eliasson from the event
One current opening |
SIPRI is currently recruiting for one position:
- Senior Researcher, Dual-use and Arms Trade Controls Programme (Open until the position is filled)
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Is the world on the road to peace or war? |
The inaugural SIPRI Lecture was held in May 2018 on the theme ‘Is the world on the road to peace or war?’ in the presence of His Majesty Carl XVI Gustaf and Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden. The lecture honoured HE Dr Hans Blix and his lifelong career of distinguished public service dedicated to peace, disarmament, non-proliferation and conflict resolution. |
Read the publication | Watch the livestream from the event
Trends in Women's Participation in UN, EU and OSCE Peace Operations |
This policy paper is the first in a series of SIPRI publications that looks at the participation of women in multilateral peace operations based on new gender-disaggregated data from SIPRI’s Multilateral Peace Operations Database. It describes the key trends related to the participation of women in UN peace operations, EU Common Security and Defence Policy missions and operations, and OSCE field operations in the 10-year period 2008–17. The paper also takes stock of the quality and availability of the data that the secretariats of these organizations produce and distribute, and it concludes by making concrete recommendations on how they can improve. |
Read the publication
SIPRI Yearbook 2018 |
The 49th edition of the SIPRI Yearbook is a compendium of data and analysis in the areas of security and conflicts; military spending and armaments; and non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament. It also features sections on:
- debt, oil price and military expenditure;
- international non-proliferation sanctions against North Korea; and
- allegations of chemical weapons in Iraq and Syria.
Browse the contents page | Read the summary [PDF]