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WritePeace blog

Libya’s electoral limbo: The crisis of legitimacy

Eleven years after the downfall of Muammar Gaddafi, the situation in Libya remains extremely volatile. Elections planned for 24 December last year did not take place and the electoral process collapsed.

War in the breadbasket: Hunger and the humanitarian fallout from the war in Ukraine

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will have a serious impact on both local and global food security. The humanitarian crisis in Ukraine is only the beginning. Since the conflict threatens global food supply, there will be far-reaching repercussions for humanitarian actors.

War in the breadbasket: The ripple effects on food insecurity and conflict risk beyond Ukraine

The war in Ukraine poses serious threats to food security, including far beyond Ukraine’s borders. This not only jeopardizes lives and livelihoods, it can stoke socio-economic and political instability.

Explainer: The proposed hike in German military spending

A few days after Russia launched its first airstrikes against the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, the German Parliament convened for a special Sunday session.

What does 2022 have in store for Africa?

A backwards glance at emblematic governance and security events in Africa in 2021 may offer a glimmer of what lies ahead for the continent in 2022. This blog shines a spotlight on some of the key situations currently unfolding there.

The transfer of weapons to fragile states through the European Peace Facility: Export control challenges

The ancient Romans used to say: ‘Si vis pacem, para bellum’ (‘If you want peace, prepare for war’).

Abyei offers lessons for the region on climate-related security risks

Weather, weapons and wealth have all played roles in the long-running conflict between South Sudan and Sudan over the Abyei area.

Surveillance as slow violence: Experiences from young environmental activists

As environmental activism increasingly takes place online, tactics of slow violence against activists have adapted, making use of social media and other digital tools to target often young activists. One of those methods, digital surveillance, deserves greater attention.

Arms transfers, military spending and insurgencies: What we do (and do not) know about Mozambique

Earlier this year, the United States-led ‘war on terror’ gained another African front line. In March, the USA added a Mozambican group known as Ansar al-Sunnah to its list of designated foreign terrorist organizations, giving it the name ‘ISIS-Mozambique’.