The independent resource on global security


From ‘Statebuilding’ to ‘Stakebuilding’

If peacebuilding is a process for promoting inclusivity, is stakebuilding a process for creating joint ownership?

Small arms control in Europe: time for an integrated strategy

Although small arms control has been an issue on the humanitarian arms control agenda for a long time, small arms manufacturers and civilian consumers have enjoyed a relatively liberal market in large parts of the world.

Russia and the Arctic: an end to cooperation?

The recent increase in Russia’s military activities in the Arctic have raised concerns over whether the Arctic can continue to be a ‘zone of peace and cooperation’ in the foreseeable future.

Non-interference limits China’s role in the fight against Islamic State

Will China be forced to become more active in the fight against ISIS to protect its citizens and economic interests in Iraq?

Russia as a strategic challenge for the European Union

The current pattern of Russian behaviour has been labelled inconsistent with the norms, values and laws that make up the European security order—to the point where EU leaders stress that relations with Russia cannot be ‘business as usual’.

The challenge of external engagement in African security

For African countries to best benefit from external activities, they need locally grounded security policies and a firm strategy for incorporating external support.

From ‘fragility’ to ‘complexity’: reframing development in difficult places

It is time for the international community to move beyond the word 'fragility' when describing how development works in difficult places.

Africa, emerging economies and the changing development landscape

The development landscape in Africa has drastically changed with the emergence of new trade partners from the Global South, including Brazil, China, India and Turkey.

Peace operations in a multipolar world: a surprising consensus

Preliminary results from an ongoing SIPRI research project suggest that consensus remains possible in the future peace operations landscape, even with influence shifting from established to emerging powers.

Returning to a basic level of trust in relations between Russia and the West

While the threat of nuclear war during the cold war era was all too real, in one sense the world is worse off now: even the notion of rebuilding trust on the basis of international commitments is seen as idealistic and unrealistic.