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WritePeace blog

Whither peace?

Today is the UN International Day of Peace and it comes at a time when many people seem to feel peace is taking a horrible worldwide kicking. Is it so bad?

If you can read this, you probably don't live in a dangerous place

Today marks the 50th anniversary of International Literacy Day. Despite major attention from the international community, literacy lags in some areas of the world, especially among women and especially in dangerous places.

Prometheus-bound: an end to nuclear explosive tests

After over 2,000 nuclear tests by 9 states, the world has still not agreed to a total ban on nuclear tests. Recent moves by Israel and the USA suggest we might be getting nearer.

Brexit: Bad news for peace

Amidst all the current political and economic uncertainty from the UK vote to leave the EU one thing is clear: Brexit is bad news for peace.

Decreasing violence in the North Caucasus: Is an end to the regional conflict in sight?

Violence in the North Caucasus has decreased dramatically in the last few years, largely due to a growing number of fighters leaving the North Caucasus for Syria.

The UN’s small arms and light weapons control agenda takes a (very) small step forward

The recent Biennial Meeting of States, held at UN Headquaters in New York, has produced an outcome document related to combatting the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons.

Shifting conflict and security dynamics in the Caucasus: The role of regional powers

The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is becoming an arena for wider security issues between major players in the region, including Russia, Turkey, Iran, the EU and the USA.

Cacophony of the Minsk Process

The Minsk II agreement has not provided a framework for ending the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

The opportunity cost of world military spending

What else could the $1676 billion spent on global military expenditure in 2015 achieve?

Middle East conflict risks overspill into the Caucasus

The South Caucasus have a long history of violence and militarization, which coule be made worse by the conflict in Syria.