The independent resource on global security


Riot control agents: improve knowledge to improve safety

A number of recent incidents have reinforced renewed concern regarding states' use of so-called riot control agents (RCAs)particularly tear gases and pepper sprayagainst civilians.

The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention—approaching a mid-life crisis?

The 1972 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) is one of the most widely ratified multilateral treaties concerning armed conflict since the Geneva Conventions. Its core principle has not been challenged: no country argues that the use of biological weapons is legitimate.

Libya at the crossroads—the challenge of consolidating peace

The Libyan rebels have swept to almost certain victory over the regime of Muammar Gaddafi on a wave of international goodwill and support.

Oct. 11: The UN Security Council: relevance without reform?

On the occasion of United Nations Day, 24 October, it seems only fair to counter some of the more pessimistic assessments of the UN's role in relation to global security.

Arctic cooperation must become more inclusive

July 2011 saw the lowest extent of Arctic sea ice for that month since satellite measurements began in 1979.

The Arms Trade Treaty negotiations: seize the opportunity

When the penultimate meeting of the Preparatory Committee (PrepComm) for an Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) convenes in New York in July, the delegates will have a packed agenda.

The global security governance system—meeting tomorrow’s challenges with yesterday’s tools

It is one of the most privileged and fascinating tasks of a SIPRI Director to read through the various chapters and appendices of a new SIPRI Yearbook as it takes shape.

Libya: lessons in controlling the arms trade

As the violence in Libya escalates and the international community examines how to respond to internal conflict and human rights violations, arms supply should be analysed.

Apr. 11: Falling European military spending—a threat to our security?

SIPRI’s recently released data on military spending for 2010 shows world military expenditure continuing to grow, albeit at a slower rate than in recent years, reaching US$1630 billion.

The African Union mission in Somalia: decision time

The African Union (AU) dubbed 2010 the year of ‘peace and security in Africa’. For the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) it has been anything but.