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WritePeace blog

The EU common defence: Deeper integration on the horizon?

The EU Global Strategy is considered the outcome of a review of the European Security Strategy (ESS) in light of the dramatic changes in the EU’s security environment since 2003, alongside the substantial institutional and legal developments caused by enlargement and the Lisbon Treaty.

Renewal of MINUSMA: A missed opportunity for new generation of DDR

By not acknowledging important aspects of Mali’s continuously changing security environment, the UN Security Council has missed the opportunity to use MINUSMA’s mandate renewal to strengthen the DDR process.

How Brazil’s political and economic crisis affects its military spending

Brazil's military spendng decreased by 7.2% in 2016, which is related to the political and economic crises currently affecting the country.

The African Union’s road to financial independence: Pragmatic or ideological?

Recognizing its growing financial dependence on external partners, the African Union has proposed an ambitious self-financing programme.

Cultural diversity for dialogue and development

May 21 is the UN World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. Given today’s conflicts, political uncertainties and support for nationalism, it is important to be reminded of the benefits that diversity brings to development.

The need for dialogue on common security challenges in Europe

Dr Lars-Erik Lundin looks back at the role of dialogue in resolving previous European security challenges and argues that a simliar approach is needed today.

Afghanistan’s political elite continues to jeopardize stability

Afghanistan's political power struggle keeps the country in a deadlock of security and socio-economic crises. Achieving stability in Afghanistan, and the wider region, will require effective power-sharing from Afghanistan's two competing political camps.

Technology at the service of peace

Technology and innovation have a role to play in peace. Two sessions at the upcoming 2017 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development will focus on how technology can be harnessed to aid peacebuilding programmes via the emerging field of peacetech.

Inclusive and peaceful societies—a view from Sweden

Inclusivity in peacebuilding should also apply to peaceful countries such as Sweden, not only countries experiencing conflict. Ahead of the 2017 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development, DHF's Sigrid Gruener and Matilda Hald look at inclusive peacebuilding initiatives in Sweden.

Of arson and legal aid: The integration of rule of law in peace and development policy and practice

To achieve sustainable peace, development work will need to include practices that promote the rule of law. Ahead of the 2017 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development, ILAC's Rhodri Williams looks at the challenges and opportunities this brings.