The independent resource on global security

Past News and Events

New SIPRI film—‘Food security and why it matters for peace in South Sudan’

SIPRI is pleased to launch a new film about the complexity of the food security crisis in South Sudan and the efforts needed to build stability and peace in a context of climate change impacts and intercommunal violence.

SIPRI briefs UN Security Council on the relationship between climate, peace and security

On 29 November Hafsa Maalim, SIPRI Associate Senior Researcher, participated in a hybrid United Nations Security Council Arria-formula meeting entitled ‘Climate, Peace and Security: Opportunities for the UN Peace and Security Architecture’.

SIPRI briefs the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Security and Defence on the impact of the war in Ukraine on EU arms export controls

On 29 November, Giovanna Maletta, Senior Researcher with the Dual-Use and Arms Trade Control Programme, and Dr Lucie Béraud-Sudreau, Director and Senior Researcher with the Military Expenditure and Arms Production Programme, participated in a public hearing of the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Security and Defence. The hearing was entitled ‘The War in Ukraine: Implications for Arms Export Policies at the EU Level’.

SIPRI co-hosts side event at the Ninth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention

On 2 December, SIPRI and the Government of the United Kingdom co-hosted a side event in Geneva at the Ninth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention entitled ‘Biorisk Awareness Across Stakeholder Communities’.

Beyond war ecologies: Green ways forward for Ukraine

The aim of the webinar is to raise awareness about the ecological dimensions of the war in Ukraine and create a better understanding of the broader context for restituting environmental crimes or damage. The discussion will also highlight ongoing and potential ways that external actors are assisting or can assist Ukraine in rebuilding in a green, sustainable manner.