The independent resource on global security

WritePeace blog

European security in its winter of discontent

This year’s Munich Security Conference was held amid an atmosphere of deep foreboding. It became a meeting that was not so much about western security as about the West itself.

The state of major arms transfers in 8 graphics

This week, SIPRI released new data on international arms transfers of major weapons. We’ve picked out some key trends in the data and present the state of arms transfers in eight graphics.

SIPRI highlights of 2016

Throughout a turbulent 2016, SIPRI's vision of a world of sustainable peace remained unchanged. Here are some of SIPRI's highlights of 2016.

Migration: new perspectives on an old story

Migration has persisted in one form or another throughout the centuries. On International Migrants Day, it’s worth reflecting on the number and experiences of people on the move.

Impact evaluations in fragile states

In 2015 over $131 billion was spent in official development assistance, an increase of nearly 7% compared to 2014, but there is litte evidence to suggest this money goes towards interventions that work.

65 years of military spending: Trends in SIPRI's new data

As SIPRI launches its new extended military expenditure data, this blog post looks at longer-term regional trends in military spending.

When all bets are off

Love or loathe the US election result, it feels like all bets are off. Of a few things, however, we can be sure: facts matter, dialogue works and tolerance heals.

Conflict and the long-lasting impact on child health

Evidence shows that conflicts have a long-lasting negative impact on the health outcomes of a population. The high rates of fatalities from conflict in Africa during the post-colonial period correlate with negative health effects in children in these countries.

China and (world) food security

China has seen dramatic domestic growth in agricultural production, but now it must navigate the pressures of a growing food demand and the negative effects of climate change.

Is there hope for nuclear disarmament?

On International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, how close is the world to achieving nuclear disarmament?