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WritePeace blog

Do government transfers reduce civil unrest?

Recent instances of civil unrest have been linked to rising inequalities and social exclusion.

Once the conflict ends: what drives the return of internally displaced people?

Internally displaced persons face difficult decisions even after the conflict ends.

The consequences of internal armed conflict for development (part 2)

The post-2015 agenda should set clear goals pertaining to the reduction of conflict.

The consequences of internal armed conflict for development (part 1)

Civil war has deleterious effects on the achievement of most of the MDGs.

Money changes everything? Poverty and deprivation in Northern Ireland

individuals in Northern Ireland experience handicaps from deprivation as a result of a conflict that, nominally, ended 20 years ago.

The misfortune of visibility in violent conflicts

Desipte a common belief that Uzbeks are more prosperous than Kyrgyz people in Kyrgyzstan, a recent analyasis shows the Kyrgyz have slightly higher per capita expenditure than Uzbeks in urban areas.

‘Order at sea’ and landlocked countries in Africa

The number of maritime pirate attacks has been massively reduced and commentators are talking about ‘order at sea’ in the region.

Debating the future of the German arms industry, again

Germany is, once again, debating the future of its arms industry, with long-held state support for arms production within Germany appearing to crumble.

The effect of firearm laws on firearm manufacturing location

Desipte firearms being present is nearly every major conflict today, relatively little is known about the firearm industry.

When money isn’t enough to buy peace

Randomised control trials underpin statistical research but they are sometimes accused of having ethical problems.