The independent resource on global security

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SIPRI is one of the world's most trusted sources of independent data and unbiased insight on international peace and security. Your support can help SIPRI keep making the case for peace.


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Geopolitical tensions are today at their highest since the cold war. A new arms race is underway. Climate change, soaring inequality and light-speed developments in artificial intelligence, quantum and other emerging technologies could radically alter the fundamentals of human security in ways that are hard to predict.

This makes the kind of dependable facts and analysis SIPRI produces more important than ever—to understand a turbulent and rapidly changing world and, even more importantly, to help find paths to peace.

Last year alone, SIPRI data and analysis appeared in more than 70 000 media articles published in 140 countries. SIPRI’s publications, online commentaries, public databases and Yearbook pages were accessed more than 1.5 million times. SIPRI data is cited by world leaders, international bodies, companies, campaigners and academic experts.

Your donation will support:

  • Maintaining and updating SIPRI’s internationally trusted databases on world military expenditure, world nuclear forces, international arms trade, peace operations and more.
  • Providing interviews and background information to journalists from around the world.
  • Groundbreaking research on new security challenges.
  • Hosting regional dialogues to promote peace and understanding among adversarial actors.
  • Producing timely comment and analysis on the latest developments in international peace and security.



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