The independent resource on global security


Street and postal address (directions):
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
Signalistgatan 9
SE-169 72 Solna

Telephone (Switchboard): 
+46 8-655 97 00


General inquiries

Please call the Switchboard: +46 8-655 97 00

Switchboard hours:

Monday: 10.00–12.00; 13.00–16.00

Tuesday–Friday: 09.00–12.00; 13.00–16.00


Media inquiries

SIPRI's Communications Director, Stephanie Blenckner

Telephone: +46 8-655 97 47


Contact an individual member of staff

Please consult the SIPRI staff directory


Institutional email addresses


Invoices to SIPRI


Signalistgatan 9

SE-169 72 Solna



SIPRI bank details

Name of bank: SEB 5385

SE- 106 40 Stockholm


Account holder: SIPRI

Signalistgatan 9

SE- 169 72 Solna


Org no: 802006-2660

Bank account no: 5418-10 015 98

Swift address: ESSESESS

Sort Code: 5385

Branch Code: 5385

IBAN no: SE1650 0000 000 5418 10 015 98

For Swedish payments: Bankgiro 393-1524