The independent resource on global security

Past News and Events

Artificial intelligence, strategic stability and nuclear risk: Euro-Atlantic perspectives—new SIPRI report

Ahead of the 2019 Preparatory Committee for the 2020 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York, SIPRI is pleased to announce the release of a new edited volume, the first in a trilogy on regional perspectives, ‘The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Strategic Stability and Nuclear Risk: Euro-Atlantic Perspectives’. Companion volumes offering perspectives from East Asia and South Asia are forthcoming.

SIPRI co-hosts event with Stimson Center on global arms transfers and military spending

On 6 May, in partnership with the Stimson Center, SIPRI held an event presenting and analysing the latest trends in global arms transfers and military expenditure.

New initiative measuring violent deaths worldwide

SIPRI has set up a new initiative aimed at establishing the annual number of violent deaths worldwide. The Global Registry of Violent Deaths (GReVD) will count deaths caused by all forms of violence and display these in an open-source database, which will allow researchers, policymakers and the general public to track trends in violence at global, regional, national, provincial, city and municipal levels. 

States, power and the future of conflict: What role can soft balancing play?

This event will address the key findings of Professor T. V. Paul’s book 'Restraining Great Powers: Soft Balancing from Empires to the Global Era' (Yale University Press).

SIPRI co-hosts seminar on UN peace operations and the policing of organized crime

On 12 April, SIPRI, in cooperation with the Swedish Police Authority, organized a seminar discussion on ‘Policing Organized Crime in the Context of UN Peace Operations’.