Click the contents button below to download individual chapters. Contents Introduction. Trends and challenges in international security 1. The Euro-Atlantic system and global security 2. Major armed conflicts 3. Multilateral peace missions 4. Afghanistan and the new dynamics of intervention: counter-terrorism and nation building 5. The nuclear confrontation in South Asia 6. The military and security dimensions of the European Union 7. Security sector reform and NATO and EU enlargements 8. The processes of budgeting for the military sector in Africa 9. The military sector in a changing context 10. Military expenditure 11. Arms production 12. New developments in unmanned air vehicles and land-attack cruise missiles 13. International arms transfers 14. Arms control in the new security environment 15. Nuclear arms control, non-proliferation and ballistic missile defence SIPRI Yearbook 2003 16. Chemical and biological weapon developments and arms control 17. Conventional arms control in Europe 18. Supply-side measures Annexes SIPRI Yearbook 2003, Summary in French Essay 1. Terrorism and the law: past and present international approaches Essay 2. The non-military threat spectrum Essay 3. The paradox of space weapons Essay 4. Is deterrence dead? Essay 5. Weapons of mass disruption Navigate Introduction. Trends and challenges in international security ›