A crucial part of SIPRI’s work on peace and development is the Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development.
Held annually, the Stockholm Forum is a dialogue-driven event that provides a neutral platform for interdisciplinary exchange among members of international communities in the development, humanitarian, peacebuilding and security spheres. The discussion-led roundtable sessions—which the Stockholm Forum is well-known for—are developed in collaboration with partner organisations and invite active participation from stakeholders at all levels.
Originally called the Stockholm Forum on Security and Development, the name was changed in 2017 to the Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development to reflect the evolving global dialogue that has moved from simple security-oriented perspectives towards a focus on the complex interplay of factors and processes necessary to achieve sustainable peace.
Reflecting developments in the international policy agenda, each edition of the Forum has had a different overarching theme, ranging from ‘Freedom From Violence’ in 2014 to the themes of ‘What Works?’ in 2017 and ‘The Politics of Peace’ in 2018. Continuing this trend, the theme for Forum 2019 was ‘From Crisis Response to Peacebuilding: Achieving Synergies’.
As a response to challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Forum was held in a virtual format convening around the theme of ‘Sustaining Peace in the Time of COVID-19’, followed by ‘Promoting Peace in the Age of Compound Risk’ in the subsequent year, and ‘From a Human Security Crisis Towards an Environment of Peace’ in 2022. This year’s theme is ‘Seeking Solutions for Turbulent Times’.
The Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development was jointly organized by SIPRI and the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs from 2014–22 and is currently organized independently by SIPRI.
Follow the Stockholm Forum on Twitter with #SthlmForum and watch video content through SIPRI’s YouTube channel.
Browse the different years (to the right) to access conference and session reports, multimedia content, and information on partners and affiliates.
Forum inquiries
For additional inquiries on the Forum, please contact the Forum team (events@sipri.org).
Media contacts
Stephanie Blenckner, Director of Communications (blenckner@sipri.org, +46 8 655 97 47).