Click the contents button below to download individual chapters. Contents Introduction. Global security after 11 September 2001 1. Major armed conflicts Appendix 1A. Patterns of major armed conflicts, 1990–2001 Appendix 1B. Definitions, sources and methods for the conflict data Appendix 1C. Measuring violence: an introduction to conflict data sets 2. Conflict prevention Appendix 2A. Multilateral peace missions, 2001 3. The military dimension of the European Union 4. The challenges of security sector reform 5. Sanctions applied by the European Union and the United Nations 6. Military expenditure Appendix 6A. Tables of military expenditure Appendix 6B. Tables of NATO military expenditure by category Appendix 6C. Sources and methods for military expenditure data Appendix 6D. Official data on military expenditure Appendix 6E. US military expenditure and the 2001 Quadrennial Defense Review SIPRI Yearbook 2002 7. Arms production Appendix 7A. Arms and industry data Appendix 7B. Available government and industry data on the arms industry 8. International arms transfers 9. Arms control after the attacks of 11 September 2001 10. Ballistic missile defence and nuclear arms control Appendix 10A. World nuclear forces Appendix 10B. Tactical nuclear weapons Appendix 10C. The changing Russian and US nuclear warhead production complexes Appendix 10D. Efforts to improve nuclear material and facility security 11. The military uses of outer space 12. Chemical and biological weapon developments and arms control 13. Conventional arms control Appendix 13A. The UN conference on the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons 14. Multilateral export controls Annexes Appendix 13B. Documents on conventional arms control SIPRI Yearbook 2002, Summary in Swedish Navigate Introduction. Global security after 11 September 2001 ›