Click the contents button below to download individual chapters. Contents Introduction. Global security governance: a world of change and challenge 1. Euro-Atlantic security and institutions Appendix 1A. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe: constant adaptation but enduring problems 2. Major armed conflicts 3. Multilateral peace missions: challenges of peace-building 4. Governing the use of force under international auspices: deficits in parliamentary accountab 5. The greater Middle East 6. Latin America and the Caribbean: security and defence in the post-cold war era 7. Financing security in a global context 8. Military expenditure 9. Arms production Appendix 9A. The 100 largest arms-producing companies, 2003 Appendix 9B. Table of acquisitions, 2004 10. International arms transfers 11. Arms control and the non-proliferation process 12. Nuclear arms control and non-proliferation SIPRI Yearbook 2005 Appendix 12A. World nuclear forces 13. Chemical and biological warfare developments and arms control 14. Libya’s renunciation of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and ballistic missiles 15. Conventional arms control 16. International non-proliferation and disarmament assistance 17. Transfer controls Appendix 17A. US export controls 18. The Proliferation Security Initiative: international law aspects of the Statement of Interdiction Principles Annexes SIPRI Yearbook 2005, Summary in Farsi Navigate Introduction. Global security governance: a world of change and challenge ›