Click the contents button below to download individual chapters. Contents Introduction. The world of security and peace research in a 40-year perspective 1. Euro-Atlantic security and institutions Appendix 1A. Status and statehood in the Western Balkans 2. Major armed conflicts Appendix 2A. Patterns of major armed conflicts, 1990–2005 Appendix 2B. Definitions, sources and methods for the conflict data Appendix 2C. Islam, conflict and terrorism 3. Peace-building: the new international focus on Africa Appendix 3A. Multilateral peace missions in 2005 4. Regional security cooperation in the early 21st century 5. National governance of nuclear weapons: opportunities and constraints 6. Transparency in the arms life cycle 7. Military expenditure data: a 40-year overview 8. Military expenditure Appendix 8A. Tables of military expenditure Appendix 8B. Table of NATO military expenditure, by category SIPRI Yearbook 2006 Appendix 8C. Sources and methods for military expenditure data Appendix 8D. The reporting of military expenditure data Appendix 8E. International comparisons of military expenditures: issues and challenges of using purchasing power parities 9. Arms production Appendix 9A. The 100 largest arms-producing companies, 2004 Appendix 9B. Table of acquisitions, 2005 Appendix 9C. Developments in the Russian arms industry 10. International arms transfers 11. The security dimension of European collective efforts in space 12. Reflections on continuity and change in arms control 13. Nuclear arms control and non-proliferation Appendix 13A. World nuclear forces, 2006 Appendix 13B. Legal aspects of the Indian–US Civil Nuclear Cooperation Initiative Appendix 13C. Multilateral control of the nuclear fuel cycle 14. Chemical and biological warfare developments and arms control 15. Conventional arms control 16. Transfer controls Annexes Appendix 14A. Enhancing bio-security: the need for a global strategy Errata SIPRI Yearbook 2006, Summary in Spanish Navigate Introduction. The world of security and peace research in a 40-year perspective ›