Click the contents button below to download individual chapters. Contents Introduction. International security, armaments and disarmament in 2008 1. Mass displacement caused by conflicts and one-sided violence: national and international responses 2. Trends in armed conflicts: one-sided violence against civilians Appendix 2A. Patterns of major armed conflicts, 1999–2008 Appendix 2B. The Global Peace Index 2009 3. The legitimacy of peace operations Appendix 3A. Multilateral peace operations, 2008 4. Security and politics in Afghanistan: progress, problems and prospects 5. Military expenditure Appendix 5A. Military expenditure data, 1999–2008 Appendix 5B. NATO military expenditure by category Appendix 5C. The reporting of military expenditure data 6. Arms production Appendix 6A. The SIPRI Top 100 arms-producing companies, 2007 Appendix 6B. Major arms industry acquisitions, 2008 7. International arms transfers SIPRI Yearbook 2009 Appendix 7A. The suppliers and recipients of major conventional weapons Appendix 7B. The financial value of the arms trade Appendix 7C. Transparency in arms transfers 8. World nuclear forces Appendix 8A. Global stocks of fissile materials, 2008 9. Nuclear arms control and non-proliferation 10. Reducing security threats from chemical and biological materials 11. Conventional arms control 12. Controls on security-related international transfers Appendix 12A. Multilateral arms embargoes Annexes Errata SIPRI Yearbook 2009, Summary in Catalan Navigate Introduction. International security, armaments and disarmament in 2008 ›