The independent resource on global security

SEO and social media

This Drupal 8 site has additional modules to aid in both search engine optimisation and also in sharing data across different platforms (eg with Twitter and Facebook).

The following module are installed and each have their own module and documentation pages at

- metatag ( provides global and customisable tags for content and to control the data shared with Twitter and Facebook. Edit the configuration here: /admin/config/search/metatag/global

- xml simplesitemap (): provides a sitemap in xml which is submitted to search engine providers on every cron run. Configuration is here: /admin/config/search/simplesitemap

Sitewide "follow" links to SIPRI's accounts with specific providers are provided in the right hand sidebar on all pages. Additionally, custom share links links in the sidebar enable site visitors to share a link to specific SIPRI nodes via the enabled platforms. These can all be extended to include additional providers by visiting /block/5 and /block/7 . Note the text format (php) and the use of fontawesome icons (
